To make a contribution to NSW Samoyed Club Rescue, please find our banking details below. Please place your surname in the reference field unless you would like to remain anonymous.
If you require a receipt, please notify us and email your direct deposit confirmation to the Treasurer's Assistant at [email protected]
If you require a receipt, please notify us and email your direct deposit confirmation to the Treasurer's Assistant at [email protected]
BSB Account No. Account Name |
NAB Hornsby
082 309 156 729 041 NSW Samoyed Club Rescue |
Alternatively, cheques can be forwarded to
NSW Samoyed Club Rescue
6 Goulburn Street
Collector NSW 2581
Thank you for your kind and generous support!
NSW Samoyed Club Rescue
6 Goulburn Street
Collector NSW 2581
Thank you for your kind and generous support!